Monday 11 June 2012

Reasons why my halls heating should be on in June.

1. I live in England. It's always cold.

2. I have to wear so many layers that I start resembling a bumble bee.

3. Whilst wearing so many layers I am tempted to perfect my Joey Tribiani impression: 'Could I be wearing any more clothes?'

4. I have to walk everywhere wrapped in a blanket, which makes me look like I need serious psychiatric help.

5. Did I mention that English weather sucks? Non-stop rain.

6. I have to shower just to stay warm. However, my hair has never been this conditioned....

7. After doing the washingup I just stand there with my arms in the warm water. No-one should ever have to sink this low.

8. I just bought two new summer dresses which I won't be able to wear till the freak heat wave in October. Typical.

9. I've taken to wearing wellies indoors as I don't have any slippers. :(

10. Come the fuck on Bridget! It's freezing!!!

Monday 21 May 2012


Hey all,

So today is a very awesome day! I have officially finished all my year one uni work :)

These are the horrible pieces of paper that have been ruling my life since January and now everything is crossed out #win.
I now have a few free weeks and I'm planning on doing lots of reading, hanging out with my friends and seeing sunshine!
Hopefully I'll also get to visit my cousin's baby, and hopefully see my brilliant friend Nicky up in Leeds :D

Hope you're all doing well. If you still have exams, keep going, you're nearly finished. And good luck!


Sunday 6 May 2012

Peer Pressure...

Hey all,

So....I finally got a blog. Well I knew this day would come eventually and it has. I feel it should be celebrated with like a bottle of champagne, a victorious hair flip, or a virgin sacrifice or something.
But ho hum. Guess not.

So about me.
I'm Lizzie, 18, studying English at Southampton. It's awesome, we have trees.
I decided to get a blog because today has been a really awesome day, so why the hell not :)

My day started well I got up at 1 in the afternoon after having had 13 hours of glorious sleep, then my beloved and very sexy hoemantic partner returned into my life. Her name is Anna - expect to hear a lot about her! I linked her blog read it, it is well funny :) Then I had two pieces of crazy awesome news in two minutes. Firstly, I got a 75 in one of my essays!!!!! (If you don't go to uni in England you won't understand getting 70 is a first and that's really hard, so getting a 75 is literally a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!) Secondly, my lovely cousin Julia had a baby! His name is Alexander Matthew Bowyer, 7 1/2 lbs, born at 12:45 06/05/2012.
I fucking love babies.
So hopefully I'm going to go and see him soon.

Well this was a long enough blog, considering I'm actually supposed to be blogging for part of my course and have only done about 2 because blogging about actual work is crap. But hopefully I'll keep this up and let you know about the cool (really sad and awkward losery things, that I think are cool) things that happen in my life.
